Step 1. open file common/includes/class.parser.php Step 2. find line: preg_match("/Alliance: (.*)/", $involved[$i + 2], $matches); to line: $i += 6; it should be 12 lines total near line 258. Step 3. REPLACE them with lines: $ifname = ''; preg_match("/Faction: (.*)/", $involved[$i + 4], $matches); $ifname = $matches[1]; $ef = ($ifname != ''); // empyrean age format? preg_match("/Alliance: (.*)/", $involved[$i + ( ($ef) ? 3 : 2 )], $matches); $ianame = $matches[1]; preg_match("/Corp: (.*)/", $involved[$i + ( ($ef) ? 2 : 3 )], $matches); $icname = $matches[1]; preg_match("/Ship: (.*)/", $involved[$i + ( ($ef) ? 5 : 4 )], $matches); $isname = $matches[1]; preg_match("/Weapon: (.*)/", $involved[$i + ( ($ef) ? 6 : 5)], $matches); $iwname = $matches[1]; $i += ($ef) ? 7 : 6; That's all!